Urdu dictionary with collection of Urdu Poetry, Ghazal, Shayaris, Urdu Words with meanings and a good medium for learning urdu.
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Urdu dictionary, Urdu poetry, shayaris, ghazals, urdu prose, english urdu dictionary, learning urdu, urdu language, urdu verses, urdu words, Shayari, Urdu Shayari, Hindi Shayari, Urdu Ghazal, Ghazal
Urdu  dictionary with collection of Urdu Poetry, Ghazal, Shayaris, Words and good  with meanings and a good medium for learning urdu.
Urdu  dictionary with collection of Urdu Poetry, Ghazal, Shayaris, Words and good  with meanings and a good medium for learning urdu.Urdu  dictionary with collection of Urdu Poetry, Ghazal, Shayaris, Words and good  with meanings and a good medium for learning urdu.Urdu  dictionary with collection of Urdu Poetry, Ghazal, Shayaris, Words and good  with meanings and a good medium for learning urdu.Urdu  dictionary with collection of Urdu Poetry, Ghazal, Shayaris, Words and good  with meanings and a good medium for learning urdu.


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A   A
(a.) n.: punishment, chastisement
(a.) n.: the call for prayer, ears.
(a.) n.: eternity, the first moment of creation
(a.) adj.: eternal, from eternity
(a.) adj.: great, large, honourable
(a.) n. adj.: dear, precious, beloved, relative
(a.) n.f.: suffering, hurt, distress, injury
(a.) n.m.: determination, resolution
(a.) n.: greatness, grandeur, glory
(a.) n.m.: petition, entreaty, application
(a.) n.: mouring, condolence
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Ishq baazon mein karamat na ho kya ma'ni Jis ko dil chahe mulaqaat na ho kya ma'ni

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Urdu dictionary, Urdu poetry, shayaris, ghazals, urdu prose, english urdu dictionary, learning urdu, urdu language, urdu verses, urdu